Mobile Crisis Response

Product Design, UX Design
Client: DeepResolve
Team: UST Piktorlabs
The project focused on creating an MVP that could be demo-ed and pitched to crisis supervisors and city managers in the USA, to provide a glimpse of its usefulness in possible crisis situations. The product is still under review & consideration.

As per SAMHSA, US Department of Human Health Services;

Behavioural Health Crisis Care is intended to help mental health authorities, agency administrators, service providers, state and local leaders think through and develop the structure of crisis systems.
Crisis Services are for anyone, anywhere and anytime.

“A Behavioral health crisis is defined as a non-life-threatening situation in which a person experiences an intense behavioral, emotional, or psychiatric response triggered by a precipitating event” NYC Definition
Main Components:
1. Regional Crisis call centres
2. Crisis mobile team response
3. Crisis receiving & Stabilisation facilities

Choosing the right Metrics

The Donabedian Model, Avedis Donabedian, 1980
Structure Measures: refer to the environment in which care is delivered - a facility’s organisation and resources. “What do you have?”

Process Measures: refer to the techniques and processes used to treat patients. “What do you do?”

Outcome Measures: refer to the consequences of the patient’s interaction with the healthcare system. “Does it work?”

Meaningful: Does the measure reflect a process that is clinically important? Is there evidence supporting the measure?

Feasible: Is it possible to collect the data needed to provide the measure? If so, can this be done accurately, quickly, without a need for excessive manual data entry or chart audits?

Do the measures provide direction for future quality improvement activities? Are the factors leading to suboptimal performance within the span of control of the organization to address?

-> Grouping Widgets

Crisis Response (Process Measure)
Judge whether the services are actually helping people or not and how are they helping?

  1. Volume Report
  2. Call Volume Trend
  3. Outcomes
  4. Suicide Prevention
  5. Homeless population
  6. Follow ups (post treatment)
  7. Crisis segregation (Mental health & crime)
  8. People diverted from jail (to more appropriate services)
  9. Median Length of stay
Task Force (Structure Measures)
Should more people be hired to maintain the team capacity?

  1. Total Calls
  2. Dispatched Calls
  3. Self Initiate Calls
  4. Avg Response Time
  5. Incidents Attended
  6. Responders on Scene
  7. Total Expense
  8. Labor Expense & composition
  9. Compensation
Community Impact (Outcome Measures)
See and Justify their funding and mandates. And show off their performances to higher officials.

  1. Incidents by City/County
  2. Presenting problems
  3. Reasons for call
  4. Disposition
  5. Age and Gender Distribution
  6. Police hours saved
  7. Benchmarks
  8. Number of services provided
  9. Taxpayer money saved
  10. People helped per year

Final Outcome

Under NDA

Use Case Scenario / Storyline